Monday, November 24, 2008

The Educator's Dilemma

You're a teacher who wants to educate kids about life. However the curriculum is rooted in materialistic ideals, and the management wants you to teach to the test. What do you do?

This was a question posed by a colleague, David Progosh, in August 2007. In my bid to find an answer, I asked Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa to provide some insight from a Vedic perspective. I conducted a brief interview with him, and received some very practical advice. (That's what I like about SND--his answers are always sensible and down to earth).

Among other things of interest, he predicts the US economic meltdown a year in advance.

Have a listen here on Radio Jiva!


. said...

Thanks, Steve, for allowing my small query to prompt you to delve into a practical approach to answering this educational dilemma.

Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

Steven Rudolph said...

Hey David!

I've always been able to count on you to ask the really hard questions that force one to look life's complexities square in the face--and to hold some hope for humanity in dealing with them. Thanks for the inspiration on this topic!
