Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jiva Suggests Changes for Obama

As Barak Obama enters the Whitehouse, he will be bringing change. Here are some changes we at Jiva feel would benefit not just the US, but the world:

Suggestions by Dr. Chauhan

  • Introduce Ayurveda in Schools
  • Promote Ayurveda in all spheres healthcare
  • To do meditation and Yoga (Jivananda)
  • Promote the eating of natural foods, and less processed, junk, and microwaved food
  • Increase vegetarianism

Suggestions by Dr. Satya Narayana Dasa:

  • Make borrowing money difficult
  • Encourage people not to live so much on credit
  • Promote education about family unity and respect for elders.
  • Create more programs on TV that promote life-wellness

Suggestions by Steven Rudolph:

  • Promote the Multiple Natures concept in schools, colleges, and companies to ensure the right people wind up in the right jobs
  • Expand the scope of the school curriculum to cover life-wellness
  • Reduce watching TV and do more of anything beneficial

Additional thoughts by Dr. Chauhan:

I believe that most people suffer at an emotional/mental level. To bring a change in them, it is important to bring the education of how we should effectively use our intelligence before we take decisions or take our actions. Majority of the time we don't use our intelligence and do what the mind tells us to do. Generally the thoughts/desires arise in the mind and without using our discriminative power (buddh or intellect) we take the action and suffer in body (physical disorders) and mind (mental disorders). Mind is not designed for discrimination and has to be assisted or guided by the intelligence before we take an action. For example, someone has just finished a delicious lunch and after two minutes sees a chocolate cake on the dining table. Now if he doesn't use his intelligence and just listens to the mind then he will eat the cake and get all sorts of problems like obesity, diabetes, indigestion, and 'ama'. Whereas if he uses the intelligence, then the intelligence will tell the mind to wait for two hours because the liver and stomach are still working and over burdened by the lunch. So in both cases he eats the cake but in the second situation he does not suffers and enjoys the cake. In first situation he does not enjoy but only suffers.

I have just tried to explain the problem people face today. This is called "pragyaparadha" or misuse or non-use of intelligence. So we need to educate people about this very important thing that we possess but we don't use it often. Jivananda program or following simple Ayurvedic daily routine once can very easily clean the senses and subconscious mind. Sattvic food and life style is very important for having a healthy mind and emotions. So we need to promote sattva.

Another thing that we need to change is to inspire people to move from brain (mind) to heart (soul). People need education in a very simple and easy format about soul. They have to realize that they are souls and they are full of love. It may sound a bit deep but it is very easy. The "Jiva Meditation" (JM) can help people realize this very easily. This is also included in Jivananda.

People have been trying to promote many things in the world to help the humanity but I have seen that most of them do not work or work only temporarily. This because the real problem is not in the body or even in the mind. It is in the sub conscious level and ignorance about our real identity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Ideas. If these things come into existence we are gonna see a revolution around.